Where We Meet

This is a temporary Sunday location until the construction on the mauka property is completed.



Live Stream:
Facebook (Elias Storhaug)


Sunday Morning Alternate Location
During wet, rainy weather
10 am
Watch Live Stream:
Facebook (Elias Storhaug) or

Limited seating available:
Storhaug’s Home
95-500 Hokuula Lp. Mililani Town
Following social distancing and mask requirements.


Tuesday Bible Study
7 pm
94-244 Kikiula Lp. Mililani Town
(Near Mililani Market Place)

Currently meeting via Zoom
Contact: Pastor Clayton Young

Following social distancing and mask requirements.


Wednesday Bible Study
7 pm
95-500 Hokuula Lp. Mililani Town

In Person or Facebook Live (Elias Storhaug)
Contact: Pastor Elias Storhaug

Following social distancing and mask requirements.


Thursday Prayer Meeting
7 pm
Santoki Home
94-454 Kahulialii St. Mililani Town

Currently meeting via Zoom
Contact: James or Fran Santoki


Thursday Women’s Bible Study
9 am
Uejo Home
94-317 Kaaei Pl Mililani Town

The women meet at specific Thursdays and Saturdays during the year.
(Identical study on Saturday)

Contact: Vanessa Belen


Thursday Young Adult Bible Study
6:30 pm
Uejo Home
95-500 Hokuula Lp. Mililani Town

Meet 1st and 3rd Thursday each month

Contact: Amanda Neuman


Friday Youth Meeting
5:30 pm
95-500 Hokuula Lp. Mililani Town

Contact: Daniel Young


Saturday Men’s Discipleship
8 am
95-500 Hokuula Lp. Mililani Town
Meets last Saturday monthly.

Contact: Pastor Elias Storhaug


Saturday Women’s Bible Study
9 am
95-500 Hokuula Lp. Mililani

The women meet at specific Thursdays and Saturdays during the year.
In person or online:
Facebook Live (One Heart Ministries)
Zoom (Contact Lorena for link)

Contact: Lorena Storhaug

Click on red pointer for exact Google Maps location